An online collection of thoughts and resources regarding patient experience in healthcare, creative business ownership, and related business concepts.

My methods



Patient experience is about providing quality and compassionate care in a healthcare setting. It is about maintaining a human connection at every touch point.


Business is about providing consumers and patients with a services and products. It is framework that allows professionals in both healthcare and creative to purse their passions in a sustainable way.


Creativity is about solving problems in a relatable, yet fresh way. It is a form of human expression that is birthed when beauty and limitations come together.


Individual therapy

Individual psychotherapy helps you to learn about yourself. We work through behavioral, communicational, thought and relational patterns.

$ 30 per hour

Doloress K.

Therapy has really helped me overcome some past trauma I had been keeping under a lid for a long time. Now, I feel happier and more confident in my life, and feel like I can walk with my head held high.

Anthony M.

Coming from a competitive sports background, the injury that ended up making me give up my career was a hard blow. With therapy, I was able to start building my identity around other things than just sport.

Happy clients


Have any questions?

If you have any questions about the therapies, feel free to contact us.
